Click here to download Wexford Football League memorandum and articles of association.
memo and arts2015.pdf


WEXFORD FOOTBALL LEAGUE - Disciplinary System 2019/2020 and onward

SENT OFF: Violent conduct (i.e. striking or kicking opponent, attempting to strike or kick an opponent, spitting at opponent, referee or assistant referee) 20 pts, Automatic 1 match suspension. + Committee decision.
SENT OFF: Serious foul play. (I.e. tackling from behind with little or no attempt to play the ball, reckless use of the arms or elbow whilst challenging for the ball) 20 pts, Automatic 1 match suspension. + Committee decision.
SENT OFF: Player handling the ball, thus depriving opponent of obvious goal-scoring opportunity, player who commits an illegal challenge on opponent who has an obvious goal-scoring opportunity. 20 pts, Automatic 1 match suspension. + Committee decision.
SENT OFF: 2nd cautionable offence for: Entering or leaving the field of play without the permission of referee. Dissent, ungentlemanly conduct, time-wasting, kicking ball away, not retreating 9 metres at free kicks, handball (when not professional foul), foul or abusive language towards match officials or opponents. 20 pts, Automatic 1 match suspension. + Committee decision.
SENT OFF: 2nd cautionable offence for any of the following: high, late or dangerous tackle. 20 pts, Automatic 1 match suspension. + Committee decision.

SENT OFF: Striking referee or assistant referee: Minimum suspension of one year.

N.B. Any physical contact with a referee may be interpreted as a technical assault and would, therefore, be liable to the minimum suspension of 1 year, which is a directive from F.I.F.A.
Threatening referee or assistant referee: Immediate suspension pending special investigation and possible severe sentence on player(s) club or supporters.

Players or officials reported by match official for alleged serious foul play (including head-butting or attempted head-butting, attempted striking of match official, serious assault on opposing player or officials) may be suspended immediately, pending investigation.

BOOKED. Dangerous play, dissent towards referee or assistant referee, ungentlemanly conduct, bringing the game into disrepute, use of foul language, time wasting, not retreating 9 metres for free kicks, etc, entering or leaving the field of play without the referees permission, high late or dangerous tackle: 4 pts for each of these offences + committee decision on past record.
Players will be suspended for 1 match on reaching 20 pts.
Players who accumulate ten bookings in the season will be suspended for an extra game (2 games instead of 1 game).
Any player, who comes up for suspension for a third time during the course of a season, will receive a minimum of an additional 4 matches suspension.

The right is reserved to punish an infringement (by players, officials, or supporters), which has escaped the match official's attention.
Team misconduct: If five or more yellow/red cards are shown to a team in any game, then an additional minimum fine of €10 will apply for a first offence and minimum €20 for second offence.

YOUTH SUSPENSIONS: Five bookings (20pts) 1 match suspension. Players sent off will serve automatic 1 match suspension. + Committee decision.

In all F.A.I. National League competitions and F.A.I. National Cup competitions, an expulsion automatically incurs a suspension from the subsequent (next) match of the same competition. Following receipt of the referees report, the relevant disciplinary body, may, at its discretion, extend the duration of the suspension, and/or impose fines.
If it is not possible to impose the automatic one match suspension on a player in the current season,(e.g. if a team is knocked out of the (LFA or FAI) competition) then the suspension shall be served in that players next domestic competitive match.
In all other matches played under the auspices of the Football Association Of Ireland (which includes the Wexford League), an expulsion automatically incurs a suspension from the next competitive match in that League. A player sent from the field of play shall serve an automatic ONE MATCH suspension at the same level of football, (i.e. with the team that he was sent off with). A player sent off in a first team match cannot serve a suspension (or play) with second or other teams, and vice verse.
If a player is suspended in his own league, his suspension is served in his own league so he is eligible to play in FAI / LFA competitions. The player does not have a choice of missing the FAI / LFA game and covering his suspension that way.
The reverse also means that players sent off in FAI / LFA competitions serve their suspension in that competition, if still in it. If beaten, the suspension is served in the next Wexford League competitive game.
As in previous seasons, the following rules must be adhered to: Each home team to produce 2 (two) good, pumped to correct pressure, FIFA approved footballs to referee before the match. Both teams to fill in match card in full, and to pay the referee his full match fee and expenses before the kick-off.
Pitch must be properly marked. Marking to include corner arcs and arc on penalty areas. All lines must be coloured white, but must not be marked with dry lime. It is necessary that all jerseys be numbered.
All goalposts must be firmly secured to the ground per F.A.I. directive, and must be painted white.


The League shall be called "The Wexford Football League"
The League shall be affiliated to the Leinster Football Association and to the Football Association of Ireland.
(A) The management and control of the League shall be vested in an executive committee, (hereinafter referred to as the committee) which shall consist of 10 members, including the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Registrar, together with such other members as the committee may determine from time to time, with the approval of the League at the A.G.M. They will meet once a month, or as otherwise determined by the committee, members to receive 3 days notice of meeting. The quorum for committee meetings shall be seven.
(B) The committee has the power to appoint a sub-committee for all disciplinary matters, including investigation of charges against committee members. This sub-committee to have full powers to deal with offending players, officials and clubs. Their decision shall be final and binding, subject to the current rights of appeal to the L.F.A and F.A.I.
(C) Delegate meetings shall be rotated between Enniscorthy and Wexford.
(D) The League to retain the services of a solicitor during each season.
(F) To be eligible for election to management committee, a person must be nominated by at least two clubs. Secretary to record all such nominations and if requested, at A.G.M., shall read out a list of two clubs per nomination.
Appointment of paid officers, officials etc: The committee may appoint and remove such officials as may be necessary, and fix their remuneration, along with imposing such powers and duties on them as the committee think appropriate.
(G) Attendance record of committee members to be read out at the A.G.M.
(A) All clubs playing under Association rules, having their own grounds or using public or private grounds situated in the county of Wexford and district shall be eligible for membership, subject to approval by the League executive committee. All clubs must provide sheltered, covered changing facilities for both teams, and match officials.
(B) From the start of season each team in division 3 and above must provide showering facilities of a standard to be set by the League. (Four showers is the minimum that will be accepted). This regulation will apply to teams/clubs in Division 3A in 20-21 season and downwards to each division in turn for every subsequent 2 seasons. Any club not in compliance with this rule will be relegated to the next available division where the stipulation is not compulsory at that time.
(C) On admission to the League, each club, their respective officials, representatives, players and members shall be bound by the ruling of the committee, which shall be final and binding on all concerned, subject to all existing rights of appeal to the Leinster Football Association, and/or, to the Football Association of Ireland.
(A) The Annual General Meeting of the League shall be held not later than June25th in any year, (save in certain circumstances, e.g. World Cup, European Championships etc, that Ireland may have qualified for) and shall consist of the Hon Officers and members of the committee, and two representatives of each club playing under the jurisdiction of the League. Fourteen (14) days notice shall be given, along with the agenda.
(B) The business of the A.G.M. shall be:
1. Read out notice of meeting.
2. Welcome by the Chairman
3. Minutes of last A.G.M.
4. Statement of accounts and balance sheet.
5. Annual reports
6. Election of officers and members of committee for following season.
7. Election of auditors.
8. Proposed alteration to rules.
9. Any other business.
(C) No two teams may be represented by the same person, and no club shall be eligible to receive a card of admission unless that club has fulfilled all its financial obligations to the League. The full management committee may attend to speak on any matter, but will not have a vote, unless they are representing their club. The chairman shall have a casting vote in the event of a tied vote.
(D) Motion and nomination papers to be sent to clubs before the end of April each season by post or e-mail.
(E) Quorum for A.G.M. to be at least one third (1/3) of membership.
(Further rules relating to A.G.M. may be found in League Memorandum and Articles of Association, a copy of which each club is in possession of.)
(A) All finances to be controlled by the committee.
(B) The Hon Treasurer shall take control of the finances generally. All monies received must be lodged in the Bank to the account of the Wexford Football League. Lodgements must be made immediately, so that no cash remains on hands, except outside banking hours. The Hon Treasurer, Hon Chairman, and Hon Secretary shall operate the accounts. All drawings save as hereinafter provided, must receive the prior sanction of the committee. All payments to be made by cheque, except authorised petty cash expenditure in respect of postage and such like.
(C) The treasurer shall keep such books as required by the committee. He/She shall enter in a proper analysis cash book, and date and receipt such monies as may be handed to him/her, together with a note and details of each withdrawal (or transfer within accounts) from the bank. The bank passbook may be examined and checked with the cashbook at the weekly/monthly meeting.
(D) The committee members shall be allowed such sums as may be necessary to meet their expenses during the season. These people to keep a true record of all expenditure in a proper expenses book.
(E) League fees must be paid to the treasurer, who shall give an official receipt for all monies received. The committee will fix league fees each season.
(F) No team shall be allowed to play in any competition until affiliation fees and League fees have been fully discharged.
(G) League accounts to be audited annually before presentation to A.G.M.
(A) Each club shall register with the League Hon Secretary, the name, address and phone number of its Hon Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer, an e mail address for the club, situation of its grounds, team colours plus any other information that may be required from time to time. In the event of a club changing its Hon Secretary, such club must notify the committee, the L.F.A. and F.A.I. along with each team in each division in which it competes.
(B) Grounds must be properly marked, standard goal nets and corner flags (of proper height) erected, and line flags provided. Clubs may be penalised by fine for failure to comply with same. Two good footballs, in match play condition, must be supplied, dry lime must not be used for marking lines, jerseys must be numbered, and, in the event of a clash of colours, the home team must change.
(C) Clubs shall place their grounds or players at the disposal of the League for representative games or any other games. In the event of a club or player failing to comply with this rule without satisfactory reason, the committee shall have the power to remove them from taking any further part in the League or competitions during such periods as may be decided, or may fine or otherwise deal with such club or players as may be considered necessary after proper investigation.
(D) In the case of unfinished matches, the League shall investigate into the cause of same, and shall have the power to order a replay, award match or points, or declare the points null and void. It will not be compulsory for clubs to field the same players in a replay.
(E) No club shall have the power to postpone any fixture. Any club so doing will be adjudged to have given a walkover and will be dealt with by the committee as they deem fit.
(F) Clubs failing to fulfil a fixture will be fined and also liable for referee’s total expenses for that fixture.
(G) Postponements sought will only be granted for exceptionally good reasons, and must be requested ten (10) clear days prior to game.After Easter weekend, no further free weekend requests for games off will be granted.

Note: If your Free day request falls on a Fixture Date for a LFA/FAI Junior cup fixture,and you are due to play in that competition,Then your free day request may be denied by LFA/FAI.
(H) Games will be postponed in the event of the death of a player, official or their immediate relations, (family).
(I) For League games, 3 points will be awarded for a win, and 1 point each for a draw.
(J) Promotion and relegation along with the make up of the various divisions will be as decided by the committee, at the start of the season. No club can have two teams playing in the same division. If a team qualifies for a higher (or lower) division in which they already have a team, then the next eligible team (as determined by the committee) will qualify for that position.
(K) The teams with highest points in the respective tables will receive the respective championship cup for the season, whereupon agreeing to return same to the League in good condition before the end of December in the following season.
(L) Cup semi-finals will be played on neutral venues.
(M) The committee has the power to act and rule on complaints made at delegate meetings, rather than wait for A.G.M.
(N) Should a club or team fail to complete its fixtures, three points shall be awarded to the disappointed teams for each of the unplayed matches, except when a club or team has played less than one third (1/3) of its scheduled matches, then its record shall be deleted completely.
(O) Clubs are reminded that in ALL cup competitions, if the home team can't provide a playable pitch, then the game switches to opponents ground on the original date if possible, or if not, for the rescheduled match. The fixtures secretary may instruct teams to play league matches away or on an alternative ground if their pitch is unplayable for one or more round of games.
(P) Racism/Discrimination: Any participant who publicly disparages, discriminates against or denigrates someone in a derogatory manner on account of gender, civil or family status, age, disability, sexual orientation, race, colour, language, religious or ethnic origin, or perpetrates any other racist and/or contemptuous act, shall be subject to disciplinary action. The committee shall consider the facts of the case and shall have the power to impose a suspension, fine and/or other sanction as deemed appropriate. In the case of individuals, the minimum suspension shall be for a period of five matches.
(Q) Allegations of racism/discrimination made by players/officials: If such allegations are reported to a referee during a fixture, they must be followed up with correspondence to the League giving specific details of the incident, within seven days of the game.

(R)Clubs must produce medical kits for inspection by referees before the game and may be fined for not doing so.
(A) All suspensions will be based on a points system, (a copy of which will be given to each club secretary before the start of the season) except in unusual circumstances where the committee shall have the power to deal with the offenders as they deem fit. Players or officials ordered off the field of play may attend before the committee on Monday after the game, or the following Monday night at 7.30 accompanied by his club secretary.
(B) Clubs must produce medical kits for inspection by referees before the game and may be fined for not doing so.
(C) All suspensions and fines will be sent to club secretaries by e-mail or post.
(D) All suspensions published on official League website will be taken as official. The list of suspensions are only for information purposes, as in the cases of players who are sent off, they will sometimes have served one match (or more) of their suspension, by the time it's published. No suspension over six games is published.
(E) Players serve their suspension with whatever team the majority of their disciplinary points were accrued with and are unavailable for selection until the suspension is served. This includes the last day of their suspension, which means that if the team from which he is suspended play at 11.00 for example, then he shall not play for another team from his club at a later time that day. (In cases where a player has accrued an equal number of points with two teams, then that player must serve his suspension with whichever team he incurred the last of his points with.).
(F) Any player whose suspension is in excess of the normal procedure must submit a list of games he has missed while suspended. This list shall include the date of the match and the opponents, and must be verified by the Hon Secretary or Fixtures Secretary of the League, before the player shall be eligible to play again. Any club not in compliance with this rule may be fined or have points deducted.
(G) If a youth player is suspended at the end of his teams season, and is ineligible for youth football the following season, then he must serve his suspension with the highest grade of junior team in his club.
(H) Youth suspensions apply to youth football and junior suspensions apply to junior football.
(I) Players who come up for suspension for a 3rd time in a season shall be suspended for an additional 4 matches (minimum).
(J) Any manager(s) or selector(s) who knowingly plays a player under suspension shall be suspended for a minimum of one year.
(K) Any player who plays while suspended shall be suspended for a minimum of one year.
(L) Any club writing in to the league to lodge a complaint against another club is obliged to send a copy of that correspondence to the club being complained against, by registered post. The League is not bound to investigate the matter unless this directive is complied with.
(M) If a player is suspended (for a number of games) in his own league, his suspension is served in his own league so he is eligible to play in FAI / LFA competitions. The player does not have a choice of missing the FAI / LFA game and covering his suspension that way. The reverse also means that players sent off in FAI / LFA competitions serve their suspension in that competition, if still in it. If beaten, the suspension is served in the next Wexford League competitive game. A player suspended for a specified lenght of time is suspended from all football.
(A) A Player is registered once they are properly registered on the FAIconnect football management system. In order to be registered on the FAIconnect football management system, a player must have completed and signed the FAI approved hard copy registration form (downloaded from the official website or supplied by the League, through the registrar each season) and the appropriate registration fee must have been paid. The hard copy registration form must then be signed by the Club Secretary and sent by the Club to the League in electronic format via FAIconnect, Once the League have approved the application for registration on the FAIconnectfootball management system, and the club has assigned the player to their respective team(s), the eligibility date is then granted by their respective league prior to being eligible to compete in any competition. Players whose forms are not filled in properly will not be considered registered. The Committee will take appropriate action if clubs play a player before any irregularity is corrected. Players with the same names must use an additional distinguishing name or initial on registration form and match cards.

(B) Each club must apply for permission to take part in the League each season.

(C) All completed forms must be Supplied to the league in electronic format via FAIconnect. All players must complete an FAI approved registration and/or transfer form. No Player shall play for two Clubs during the current season without first obtaining a transfer from his original Club and League. Original shall mean the Club which the Player has signed a form and first registered with a League during any one season.

Players shall complete an FAI approved transfer form. The Transfer Form must be signed/ stamped in the following order:

  1. by the Player,
  2. by the Secretary of the Club the Player is leaving,
  3. by the Secretary of the club the Player is going to,
  4. by the Registrar/Secretary of the League the Player is leaving together with the appropriate fee, if any.

The signatures at a) – d) above shall not be unreasonably withheld.

The transfer form and the new registration form shall then be presented to the League the player is going to for processing. This shall apply if the player is staying within the same League or moving to a different League. The League from which the player is leaving is obliged to furnish in writing, if requested in writing, full details of the player’s disciplinary record for that season. Outstanding disciplinary sanctions imposed on a player prior to transfer shall be served in the new League. The level of football shall be determined by the Disciplinary Body of the new League. A transfer may not be affected where a player has a financial liability to his current club and/or League.

Players who have played five or more games at Senior or Intermediate level must be regraded to be eligible to play Junior football. See rule (O) for details on regrading.

(D) The registrar shall receive all documents and fees in connection with player’s registration and transfers.

(E) A player shall be deemed registered when the League (registrar) confirms registration on FAIconnect, but he must be registered at least 24 hours before playing in a league match. Players are only eligible to take part in competition once they have been granted an eligibility date on FAIconnect. All clubs must ensure that a player is listed in their squad with a confirmed eligibility date before player takes part in any competition.

(F) A player cannot sign a second form in the same season without first getting a transfer from his first club.

(G) No player can be registered after April 1st in each season.

(H) No player can transfer after January 28th each season.

(I) The committee will have the power to deal with any club guilty of malpractice in the registration, transferring or inducement of a player to play for another club.


(K) No player may register or transfer to a new club until he has fulfilled his obligations to his old club. The League has the right to refuse to accept a players registration unless he has complied with this rule.

(L) Registration fees must accompany registration form (which must be completed in full and uploaded via FAIconnect), otherwise a player will not be deemed registered. Cheque or postal order will be the preferred form of payment of fee.

(M) Any registration involving a player transferring from one club to another must be accompanied by a transfer fee of €25 payable to the Wexford Football League, Cheque or postal order will be the preferred form of payment. The winter Season starts on 1st July and ends on 30th June. Registration period 1st July to 31st March. Re Registration period, 1st July to 23rd September. Mid Season re registration window,1st January to 28th january.No Registration permitted from 1st April to 30th June.


(N) All members of clubs, including committee members, mentors and officials must register with the League on official forms.

(O) Regrading: A bone-fide junior player shall be allowed play in matches, provided he has not played in 5 or more senior games. Otherwise, he must be regraded by the League Committee on official forms obtainable from the League registrar.

Senior matches are those played in the F.A.I. National League, its subsidiary competitions, F.A.I. senior cup, Intermediate cup and Intermediate divisions of Leagues, Provincial senior cups (except as winners of junior Leagues invited to play in these cups) and Cups or Leagues of similar status in other countries. A player may play 5 games at a higher level before losing his Junior status. No more than 3 applications for regrading can be submitted at any Committee meeting. No application for regrading can be made after the transfer deadline of January 31st. When a player has been regraded, he shall not be free to play for his club until 48 hours after his regrading has been passed.

(P) Clubs requesting to see other clubs registrations may do so by lodging fee with registrar, 3 players registration per €10 fee. Cheque or postal order will be the only acceptable form of payment of fee.

(Q) No suspended player may be registered until his suspension is served.

(A) Referees fees/expenses shall be fixed by the committee in accordance with the advice from the F.A.I. referees committee.
(B) Amateur/associate referees will be used in conjunction with the professional body wherever needed, except in matches where three or more officials are required.
(C) All referees to games will be appointed by the fixtures secretary.

(D)) Any club requesting assistant referees for a given fixture must pay their full fee plus expenses.
(A) All protests to the League must be sent by registered post within 4 clear days after the game, accompanied by €30.00 which must be a crossed Postal Order, or bank draft. Cash will not be accepted. Copy of the protest must be sent to the club being protested against, by registered post within the same four days.
(B) Where a protest has been upheld, the fee shall be returned, unless the decision to uphold has been reversed by the ultimate appeal.
(C) The committee can deprive a team of points and/or award points, when it has established that ineligible player(s) actually played in game(s).
(D) Clubs concerned in the protest must receive 48 hours notice of the hearing and the protesting club must produce all the evidence at the first hearing.
(E) A period of 4 days shall be allowed for a club protested against, to lodge a cross protest.
(F) If a club is in doubt as to the identity of an opposing player, then their team manager or secretary may, at half time or full time and in the presence of the referee and opposing team manager or secretary, request that the opposing player sign their name on a piece of paper to be submitted with the referee’s report. This signature may be used in a subsequent protest. A maximum of three signatures may be sought in any one game (by either side) and failure of a player to give his signature will be dealt with by the committee, provided the correct procedure has been followed. The relevant signature can only be submitted with the referee’s match report.
(A) Each player must be a registered player of the club he proposes to compete for 7 (seven) days immediately prior to a cup match.
(B) All matches to be decided by extra-time and penalty rule in every cup competition, including the Wexford Cup final.
(C) The Niall O Sullivan cup shall comprise of teams in Divisions 1,2 and 3.
(D) Whichever team a player plays for (i.e. A, B,C,D team) in the Wexford cup, then that player is tied to that team for the,Neil O Sullivan, Billy Browne or Gwyn Jones cup (if his team is eligible for that competition). Conversely. If a player plays for A, B,C,D team in the Neil O Sullivan Billy Browne or Gwyn Jones cup first (i.e. before he plays in the Wexford cup) then he is tied to that team for the Wexford cup as well. A Player who has in a higher grade in any cup competition then is ineligible to play in the Billy Browne or Gwyn Jones cup competitions.
(E) Players who have played more than 3 (three) Premier League games in the current season, cannot play in the Niall O Sullivan cup,Billy Browne or Gwyn Jones Cup.. All other players in the club are eligible to play in this competition.
(F) No team involved in a Cup final will be forced to play fixture midweek prior to the final.
(G) Pitches/facilities for all cup semi-finals and finals must be up to required Premier Div standard.
(H) Clubs on whose ground Wexford cup semi-finals are played, to be given all gate money after expenses
(I) Match programmes to be produced for all Cup finals.
(J) All Cup Finals to be played at Weekends
(K) Cup final passes may only be used by players/officials: Misuse of passes may lead to fine on club.
(A) Clubs, officials, or players dissatisfied with the decision of the League shall have the right of appeal to the Leinster Football Association in the first place, and, if dissatisfied with their decision, shall have further right of appeal to the Football Association of Ireland in accordance with the rules of theses bodies. An exact copy of the appeal must be sent to the League Secretary.
(B) Procedure for appeal to L.F.A. or F.A.I.: Appeal must be sent by registered post to whichever body (L.F.A. or F.A.I.) bearing a postmark within 4 (four) days of the date on which the notification (of decision being appealed) was received. An exact copy of the appeal must be sent simultaneously by registered post to the body whose decision is the subject of the appeal. Appeals must be accompanied by a bank draft or postal order only. No other form of payment will be accepted and the appeal will be ruled out of order if any other form of payment is submitted. All appeals to the FAI must be addressed to the Disciplinary Control Unit FAI, Sports Campus Ireland, Abbotstown, Dublin 15.
(C) Appeals, fees, etc. Clubs should note the following in relation to protest fees, appeal fees etc. Entry fees: F.A.I. Junior cup €25. Leinster Junior cup €25. Leinster Junior shield €20 Leinster Youth cup €20.
(D) Protest fee: Leinster Junior cup or shield €25 Youth cup €15.
(E) Appeal fees: Leinster Football Association Senior, Junior and Youth clubs €300.00
(F) Appeal fee to F.A.I. is now €500 for all clubs, affiliates.
(G) These fees will be in operation for the coming season, but, as both the F.A.I. and L.F.A can alter their appeal fees from year to year at their A.G.M.s , it is advisable to check the fees with these bodies before submitting an appeal.
(H) Any club whose appeal is ruled out of order and having played a suspended player pending the appeal hearing, will be deemed to have played an illegal player and may lose any games or points won, along with being fined.
(A) All fixtures/notices in the local papers and league website and FAI Connect to be taken as official. Minimum notification for a fixture shall be 36 hours before kick off.
(B) All competitions run by the League to have standardised trophies.
(C) No new club can be accepted where they would affect an existing club.
(D) Clubs changing colours must submit information to committee before changing same.
(E) Clubs 20 minutes late for home fixtures lose one home fixture after third offence.
(F) All clubs, having given adequate notice (minimum 10 days) would have the option of having their fixture for either St Patrick’s weekend or Easter weekend postponed.
(G) Committee to update annually the essential requirements for First Aid kit.
(H) Managers for inter-county teams will be appointed at close of competitions in preceeding season.
(I) The League shall provide an appropriate amount of medals for all competitions.
(J) The third placed team in Division one plays off against the 3rd from bottom in the Premier division, the winning team having Premier status for the following season.but if you have a premier division team, and your B team finishes in the Top 3 in Division 1 then there will be no Promotion/Relegation play off.
(K) All county teams to play in the one set of colours.
(L) All Cups/shields are to returned to the League in good condition before December 31st each season. Fines will be levied on clubs who fail to return in time, and on clubs returning trophies, which require repair or cleaning.
(M) The League to kick off on the Sunday nearest to the 1st of September.
(N) Clubs, who wish to query fines, have 14 days to do so, from receipt of notification. Queries outside this timescale will not be entertained.
(O) Relating to play-offs, promotion/relegation, and league titles: Any player who has played 5 league games or more  for his team at a division grade than the play off game, is ineligible toplay in a play off game.. All other players for the play off, must be picked from cup panels i.e. Gwyn Jones Cup, Billy Browne Cup, Niall O Sullivan Cup or Wexford Cup,  unless the play off involves both clubs first teams, in which case no cup panels apply.
(P) All play-offs in all divisions of the Wexford Football League are played at a neutral ground to be 
appointed by the League.
(Q) For ALL WFL jjunior games Only. FIVE subs may be used from a maximum of NINE named: Domestic youth games allow five subs from NINE named. This does not apply to LFA/FAI Games. For These competitions it is still 5 Subs from a max of seven Names.
(R) A new club must pay a bond of €300, repayable when they complete their first season's fixtures.
(S) E-mail (along with regular post) will be considered official notification from the League.
(T) Clubs who have floodlit grounds which satisfy Wexford League and FAI regulations, be allowed play league or cup matches under floodlights, during the weekend or weekdays of that weeks designated fixtures.

(U) Social media abuse on affiliated league page or directed at/towards the league may lead to disciplinary sanctions to be determined after review by committee. Furthermore, instances where players/club officials make disparaging or abusive remarks or comments about other clubs, players, the league or match officials on social media platforms which are visible to the public may also be dealt with after investigation by league.

(V) Free Day Requests Granted to clubs by the WFL are solely applicable to WFL Fixtures, and do not apply if it is on an LFA/FAI fixture date.

Dual registration is permitted subject to all of the following conditions:
1. Affiliated Leagues may allow dual registrations, but only for Youth teams (U/17 and U/18) in their Domestic 
competitions only and with the agreement of a maximum of two registering Junior clubs.
2. Clubs cannot dual register players from any club registered in another League.
3. Youth teams (U/17 and U/18) using Dual Registrations are prohibited from entering any Divisional Association or National Association competitions. However the players are eligible for the Youths Inter – League and Oscar Traynor competitions.
4. Special dual registration rules must be implemented by the Affiliated League for a player to register with two Junior/Intermediate clubs from that Affiliated League
5. A dual registered player must have the approval of both his “primary” Club/s Secretary and “secondary” Club Secretary and the League. A dual registered player's “primary” team is his Junior/Intermediate registered Club/team and his “secondary” team is his Youth Club/team, which must be specified on Registration Form
6. All dual registered players on a Club team must be from the community of that Junior/Intermediate Club team, i.e. parish, neighbourhood, towns land or adjacent club.
7. In cases where player/s are registered with the Club and also with another Affiliated Club, the applicable insurance shall be determined by which event the Club team or player is participating in or training for.
8. Any Player can be called upon to prove his legal age to the League. A birth certificate, Adoption Certificate, or Certificate of Naturalization shall be sufficient for proof of age.
9. The expiration date of all Dual Registrations shall expire at the end of the Current Season in which the player is registered. The “Current season” is defined as per F.A.I. Rule
10. The player’s parents or guardian must sign both Registration Forms
11. The player/s and parents/guardians must be aware of all financial responsibilities they will incur with both teams, including but not limited to insurance, membership fees, affiliation fees, registration fees where applicable, cost of gear, travel or
coaching expenses for both clubs
12. Clubs/players participating in a League’s Youths Domestic competitions under Dual Registration, only have the right of appeal as far as their Divisional Association. Dual registered players while playing with their “primary” team have full right of appeal as per F.A.I. Rules.
13. Players suspended (Red Carded) with their “primary” team, serve their suspension with the “primary team” and are available to play for the “secondary” team. Likewise players suspended (Red Carded) with their “secondary” team, serve their suspension with the “secondary” team and are available to play for the “primary” team.
14. Yellow cards/disciplinary points are calculated separately per team and not accumulated between both teams, therefore any suspension arising will be duly served with the appropriate team.
15. The League shall be the final arbitrator what Junior/Intermediate clubs may amalgamate to for a youths team.
16. The amalgamated youth’s team must not be named solely after one of the Junior/Intermediate clubs, but can adopt a combination of the Junior/Intermediate names in the youths team name or a completely neutral name if they so desire.




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